The Top Secret projects' blog

Paper is fragile. Clouds & blockchains are not.

Hide your secret data into the sunlight.

Top Secret #1 : PNG / JPEG / PDF to cover secret data

  1. 💎 Store secret data into a cover file (hide inside an image or a PDF document).
  2. 😉 Keep your passwords easy to remember.
  3. 💤 Sleep on your two ears.

This JPEG photo of my daughters (2560x1920 pixels) actually contains 2 secret files :

  • another JPEG image (332,720 bytes)
  • a PDF document (70,384 bytes)

Before secret data encoding:
2,728,601 bytes

After secret data encoding:
2,873,810 bytes

The visual impact is totally imperceptible.
The file size increase is only 145kB for a secret size of 403kB

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How it works ?

TopSecret and image files TopSecret uses pseudo-random spacial algorithm to store the secret data. The storage coordinates path is defined by the Master Password. Using multiple master passwords on the same file could then lead to secret corrupting if the pathes have pixels in common.

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Top Secret's Pros & Cons

Pros Strong encryption Unlimited secret size into PDF files Multiple Data Passwords allows file distribution granting the users to read specific parts only of the whole secret Multiple Master Passwords (PDF only, images under conditions) allows file distribution granting the users to read an isolated…

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Top Secret #2 : Top Mail released

What is Top Mail for ? Top Mail is a mass-mailing tool with some special particularities : If you have to distribute an internal document into your business, stakeholders or investors, you would like to mark it in order to know who leaked the informtion.

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Top Secret #3 : Printable secrets

Digital data remains the most secure media. Nevertheless, some situations would require to keep a secret phrase or any secret code onto a physical media. No internet, lack of energy or any climatic event would lead to a more or less long off-grid time period,…

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Do not loose your time anymore by choosing a photo to hide your secret data. Let Top-Secret do it for you! From now on, Top-Secret has the ability to find a random photo from 1. Register on and get instantly your API Key…

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