
This app is portable, no installation required.

Requires Java 8 : Please follow these instructions to install Java 1.8

Operating systemFiles
Windows / Linux / Arm

TopSecret Plugin

Print & scan secrets

Windows / Linux / Arm

The JAR files are not signed, which makes it incompatible with MacOS.

Instead, a SHA-256 revision file exists in the public GitHub repository to ensure you downloaded the original version.

The app needs several libraries (itextpdf) in order to process PDF files.

Unzip the "" file in the same folder where you downloaded the jar file.

Example with TopSecret.jar :

Your distribution should be like that :

Without the "lib" directory, the app would work for PNG/JPEG files but would not accept PDF files.

To launch the app, double-click on the TopSecret.jar executable file.

Linux users have to grant the "execute" permission on this file.

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