now supported!

Do not loose your time anymore by choosing a photo to hide your secret data.

Let Top-Secret do it for you!

From now on, Top-Secret has the ability to find a random photo from

1. Register on and get instantly your API Key

2. Enter your API Key into Top-Secret's Pexels field

Copy / paste your API key from Pexels
Be careful not to add any extra space or characters

3. Optionnally select a theme about your photo query

A theme can be specified here

4. Query Pexels!

Downloading a random photo about "kittens"
Downloading a random photo about "kittens"
A random kittens photo has been fetched !

The downloaded photo is stored locally as "PexelsRandom.jpg", in the executable jar path.

The blue link opens your default navigator on the photo page.

There, you can like or share on Pexels or any other social network.

If you wish to encode some secret inside, choose "Encode to..." instead of "Encode".