Top Secret #1 : PNG / JPEG / PDF to cover secret data

  1. πŸ’Ž Store secret data into a cover file (hide inside an image or a PDF document).
  2. πŸ˜‰ Keep your passwords easy to remember.
  3. πŸ’€ Sleep on your two ears.

This JPEG photo of my daughters (2560x1920 pixels) actually contains 2 secret files :

  • another JPEG image (332,720 bytes)
  • a PDF document (70,384 bytes)

Before secret data encoding:
2,728,601 bytes

After secret data encoding:
2,873,810 bytes

The visual impact is totally imperceptible.
The file size increase is only 145kB for a secret size of 403kB

Download the latest version now!

Store securely...

  • secret files
  • crypto keys
  • seed phrases
  • 2FA backup keys
  • transmit mail-filtered files
  • share multi-secret file infos

...into someΒ innocent vacation or family photos or PDF documents. It can now be stored in the cloud and kept secureΒ !

Strong encryption and low-noise generation

Strong encryption (AES) along with strong hash algo.

The image encoding process uses a semi-random positional algo to place the bit stream into the piture's items at low-level noise.

The available space to hide data into an image depends on the image itself. Higher resolution, higher space. For JPEG, more details, more space !

The PDF encoding inserts new keys into internal maps. No visual impact, no embedded files. Even PDF editors do not show these infos.

The available space to hide data into a PDF file is only limited to 2GiB.

Works for both JPEG & PNG images and PDF files.

Retrieve your secrets with 2 security factors :

  • Master passwordΒ +Β Hash algo (file en/decoding)
  • Data passwordΒ (data en/decoding)

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