What are Top Secret projects

Top Secret projects are a tools suite which goal is to give you a way to keep secure your private keys / passwords / secret data or any other document/file.

Already released tools

ToolDescriptionFirst released
TopSecretEncode & Decode all kind of data into a  PNG/JPG/PDF fileJan 1st 2023
TopMailGenerate a mailing campaign with automatically Marked documents. Fully DPRG-compliant.Feb 19th 2023
PaperSecret (TopSecret plugin)

A TopSecret plugin to process images and embed encrypted data into printable images / posters and retrieve back secret data from a simple smartphone photo or scan

Feb 19th 2023

Other project ideas are coming

- A TopSecret plugin to generate random art images that naturally embed secret data, no noise generation, no statistical detection.

Another idea ?

Feel free to leave a comment or submit by email!

Stay tuned and join our Telegram channel : topsecret_projects